At Troop 75, we are dedicated to the ideals of Scouting as taught in the Scout Oath, Scout Law, Scout Motto, and Scout Slogan. We practice the concept of the 'Boy Lead Troop', which gives scouts the opportunity to learn and grow in leadership through real hands-on experience.
We meet on Tuesdays from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall of Maple Grove Christian Church on Proffit Road in northern Albemarle County. All are welcome to come any time.
Joining is as easy as …
Contact Scoutmaster Scoutmaster about visiting a troop meeting on a Tuesday night. Or just show up on Tuesdays night from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm at the Fellowship Hall of Maple Grove Christian Church. Be sure to check our Calendar of Events to confirm that we are meeting the night you would like to attend.
Complete the Boy Scout Registration and Boy Scout Health History Part A and B forms, after your Troop visit. Turn in the registration $90 joining fee during a meeting. The joining fee helps offset the cost of Scout Handbook, Troop Numerals, Neckerchief, Slide, Registration, Insurance, and Boy’s Life fees.
Start attending Tuesday troop meetings bringing your Scout handbook, and wearing your uniform. Make sure to ask the Senior Patrol Leader which Patrol you are assigned to so that you can obtain a Patrol patch to complete your uniform.
That’s it. Now enjoy, get involved and make new friends!
Adult Involvement
Adults are encouraged to help out as Assistant Scoutmasters, Committee members, Merit Badge Counselors, Campout Coordinators, drivers...there are actually unlimited ways to volunteer. To volunteer, see any adult at the Tuesday meeting or contact the Scoutmaster. You can find out more what the Adults do on the Adults Page.